A Salt Lake City Bucket List

Well, here’s another piece I put together. It’s by no means a definitive bucket list, but it has quite a few things I’d still like to do on it. Hoping to see Ballet West this year (perhaps around the holidays), and boy still has never driven the Alpine Loop in autumn. I also really want to hike Mount Olympus together soon. Maybe we can do that this summer.

SLC Bucket List

Check!: Riding (Driving?) a Segway

I went to Redding in April to visit my aunt Jody for a weekend, and I had such a great time! We always have fun together; people always tell me how similar I am to her, a fact I don’t mind or dispute. Anyway, one fun thing she took me to do was segwaying! I’m not exactly sure what the correct terminology is here. Did I ride a segway, or perhaps ride on a segway. Maybe I even drove a segway! I think I just might prefer the all-encompassing verb, segwaying. It was a great time and I got to check something off my list of adventures I want to have! You can never go wrong there.

Let’s just address the elephant in the room. Helmets. Who likes them? Nobody I know. There are zero things cool about them, and then they go and give you helmet hair and make you look like you’re wearing a big egg on your head. They also make you very conscious of every bit of double chin you still might have from your recent (who am I kidding, it was four months ago!) carbo load in Ukraine. Sometimes, like on motorcycles, they probably seem pretty justified. At least outsiders understand why a person on a motorcycle, which can go pretty freakin’ fast, would wear a helmet. On a Segway? Yeah, not so much. Plain and simple, I felt like a dork. This is only amplified by the fact that you are told that it is impossible to fall off a Segway. I guess there is always the possibility of hitting your head on a tree branch and by golly, I am a proponent of Safety First.

Redding’s world-famous (so I’m told) Sundial Bridge. It crosses the Sacramento River and really is a work of art.

You’re probably thinking, “Wow, she is so skilled. Segwaying with one hand and perfectly photographing herself with the other.” Well, that would be true except out of our group – which consisted of me, three people over fifty, and our guide – I was the only one to crash. Not quite sure if it was before or after this photo was taken, but I either had no idea what I was in store for or didn’t learn my lesson. We were going down a hill and turning. Did you catch that? Two things at once. It’s a lot harder than it sounds, especially since Segways are kind of counter-intuitive, at least according to my intuition. No big deal, I just ran into a bush at the bottom of a hill. Didn’t fall off and got out all by myself thankyouverymuch. Probably a good thing I was wearing my helmet just in case.

There was a pergola with flowers in bloom, so of course we had to snap a few shots!

This ice stuff was so good. I got a flavor that was something like an orange creamsicle, something I don’t taste much as a vegan. Really yummy!

bon voyage,
